360 cam choice

You decide of which will be used mech. or Hyd. cam.

I can generalize a converter, but IMO, I would seek a pro's advice in the arena you want to perform in. Like Dynamic converters for example of one amoung a few good spots.

And as far as cam goes, you choose one. Theres not exactly a right or wrong or what not. Just enjoy this as an exercise. You list below 3 cams.

(Since Moper responded while I was writing this, excellent answer Moper.)

Now in addition to Mopers answer, I believe you are armed to make a choice without being far off base in any direction. I love that Moper said "Subjective" in his reply. Truly, that is the case in cam choice. Even if you had a dyno at your side and free run time for a month, the coice in the final cam you make is a combonation of things.

I know you and others here have noticed that when the topic of cams show up, the opinions come pooring in like made and the personal picks and picks based on theroy off what will work best vary wide and sometimes greatly.

IMO, being armed with these 2 posts, I beileve the cam choice you make will be good. But allways subject to someones opinion on what could be better, what you should have choosen and even a comment of "What are you nutz?!?!" will appear here and in person.