When Did You Drive Your First.....................

First 3 speed on the floor and the very first vehicle I ever drove was my brother-in-law's Jeep out in the hay field when I was 8 years old...I was too short to reach the clutch.

My first 3 speed on the tree was our '81 Chevy truck.

First 4-speed was/is our Dart when we converted it last year.

First 5-speed was/is our '92 GMC pickup, our daily driver for the past 7 years. Oh wait, we also had a 5-speed Daytona and a 5-speed Lebaron, forgot about those.

My first car was a '66 Mustang coupe, 200 straight six.

My first Mopar was my '73 Duster.

The first time I rode in a car going over a 120 mph was in my husband's (then boyfriend's) '72 Challenger. Still own it.

First car I did donuts in was my '89 Mustang hatchback. High school parking lot.

First burnout....my Duster.

First car I raced on the track....my Duster.

First car my daughter rode in on the way home from the hospital was my '89 Mustang, the same one I did donuts in. It's also the car she learned to drive in, took her driver's training test in, and will be racing this summer at Milan Dragway.