
Well Thank you guys for understanding my question, I apparently Offended Someone and I felt bad but after reading your honest replies and flyboys jokes i now know that maybe this person did actually read it wrong.

I would fly a canadian flag if i wasnt soo damn lazy and went and got one.. i have one neatly folded away in my storage, but I am curious how it all started..
I wish fellow Nucks did this.. the only people i know that do it are me and a few friends and a bunch of old vets and people of the sort..

Ill probably go and fly my flag this weekend to make a point.

and lover.. i dunno its just a long running joke amoungst stupid canadians who think they are better then americans and not equal.. like the joke about canada's defence department just upgraded to sling shots!.. which is kinda funny even to me..


You only know three spices - salt, pepper and ketchup.

thats hilarious!

Sorry to those i may have offended! ;)

heres a gift to make amends. Some canadian grade A beef!
I have another shot but im not sure its family viewable!
