Ramcharger's Doorbell


Everyone has a raw nerve, and you touched mine. I don't, in view of your last post, believe that you touched mine intentionally and I hold no grudge against you. I got way pissed off that just the fact that a just a flag holder that appeared in a joke photo from the US provoked such a response from you. I know you "like to stir the pot" from time to time to provoke a reponse, but you have understand what some people here have gone through.

My sister is married to Vietnam vet, and she has to awake at times to the shrieks of his dreams,even to this day. He's shown me private photos that would set your hair on fire from the sheer brutality of war (thats the nicest way I can put it). He's also the same man that had a 11 sec 383 Road Runner and got me into Chrysler produsts, as well as let me know what ws really important in life. Familly, country and work, in that order. You'll have to forgive my spelling as i'm getting somewhat drunk right now.

Now my Dad taght me how to drive shortly after he shoewed me how to use a chain saw. at age 11. Then we sat on the stump and ha a beer, my first. he also taght me how to shoot, fish, and otherwise survive no matter what society dishes out, so I hope you can see were I'm coming from. I know you can't alwas know wahat some people hold close to their heart, but this is mine. To some a symbol is just a symbol, but this one is part of me.

Maybe I'm just having a bad day Cerwin, as you say, I'm usally way calm and easy going. Many of my friends run the gamut: African, Mexican, Morrocan, Iranian, American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, European, or a mix of the above. ****, I'm a major mutt myself: Irish, German, Hungarian and Czech! Damn, and people onder why I drink! Damn man, my fiance is german, american indian, irish and english with some mennonite mixed in for good measure. ****, what would we tell our kids when they ask what their nationality is? I know, American!

I am apologising pubilicly, if I have truly misunderstood your intentions. Just be aware that here are many of us here who have lost so much....and may misconstrue your intentions as well. It's a tender and still raw nerve because all we hear in the news on a daily basis is about how much everyone hates us.

Peace. :usa2: