When Did You Drive Your First.....................

first burnout was in a 77 trans am, mom was riding shot gun (had my permit). some jerk some jerk cut me off and stopped so i slammed the brakes then took a second to figure out what the jerk was doing. romped the gas and lit them up around him. mom was just sitting there yelling about how the other guy was an A-hole.

First time driving 100mph was in my dart custom slant 6. 3am on a deserted highway, had my foot to the floor and the car would not go faster than 100.

first "real" dry pavement doughnut was in the 73 dart 318 2 barrel. had to test out the new sure grip rear. worked damn good.

first 4 speed was in my yard moving my dads 351 Cleavland 4 speed toriono around.

first time driving stick was in my moms focus before drivers ed. the drivers ed instructor was pretty surprised when i mentioned i could drive stick.

first car i crashed was my 73 dart custom. front frame was damaged badly, but anything good left on the car was saved. even the smaller parts.