
Well I do love my country, But I do not fly a flag.
I have seen allot of America and enjoyed my travel's here as I worked.
But I would like to say to all you guy's and gall's up there
in what I have allway's said was God's country in Canada.
Your country {Witch I have never been} seem's to be the kind of back yard I would enjoy very much!!
I have looked over your state here on the net and made a few frends there.
I have owned a couple of car's built there and was proud to show them off here.
I have alway's enjoyed the simple thing's that god gave us, and Canada has allot of thing's I have never experienced.Your waterway's,wild life and country side's are awesome to me.
And the people I have talked to on this site from Canada seem to have a good out look and understanding of people.
This may sound like I am kiss'in up!! But I can asure you I am not!!!
If one day I could take the time for a good vacation I would have to go to Canada and see it for myself.
But for now Arkansas will do just fine.