inline 4 speed

I beg to differ with you but i have a mr.gasket vertical gate in my duster and it is not hard to drive in town as long as you keep it lubed up. Personally i would not have another h pattern shifter. This is my second one the first was in my original 340 duster in me different but to me they are bad to the bone. If you can find one you will never go back.
I agree, the very first 4 speed I ever drove had a Mr Gasket V gate shifter in it and it was ALOT of fun!
As for which is faster, I'm from the old belief of the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.
I did feel they were a little awkward when downshifting, but the key was making sure the linkage was adjusted correctly and keeping it good and lubed up. If I ever get another 4 speed car it will probably have one.
The bad part is you have to cut a bigger hole in the floor.
The super shifters are very nice though.