
Hi Cerwin, your question is a interesting one. Why would the people of a "politically correct" country that taxes us heavily for unpopular wars, Does not want us to mention our God and grants more rights to illegal aliens than to it's citizens. Why would anyone actually consider flying the flag of that country?
Before 9/11, I think you may have found fewer flags flying and less everyday patriotism. The flag is only a symbol, but it is flown to remember all of the heros that died for the right to fly it. It flies in remberence of the thousands that were murdered on 9/11, whose only crime was to go to work that morning. It flies in the face of a godless enemy that believed that it could be brought down with one "sucker punch".
Perhaps the reason that you do not see this in Canada, is that Canada has NOT YET had it's 9/11.