The Other 68 Dart Resto Project

Ok, here is another update, after I wire brished, scraped, cleaned and ate a lot of dirt & undercoating, I finally made some progress.

The first three pictures show the cleaned up rear floorpan. I decided a good stopping point was the rear seatpan seam all the way back to the rear bumper brace.




The next three pictures showed the floorpans after spraying them with Duplicolor Rust Convertor. I did have some of the Eastwood converter, but it was not working correctly when I tired it and their tech support is an absolute joke, I was told they could not help me because they were busy and they were going to close in 15 minutes. ASSHOLES! I hong up on them and the next day I called and got them to issue me a credit. It really depends who you talk to, because they gave me credit beyond the 60 day limit and told me to just trow it away and don't ship it back. Definately a love hate relationship I have with them.

Back to the car. The black areas show where it did its job on the rust, the other colors are primer, overspray, clean metal, and undercoating. I decided not to remove the undercoating for a few reasons, 1) there is nothing wrong with it, no rusty metal underneath, 2) the factory put it there 39 years ago and it has protected the metal ever since, 3) It does not bother me since I am not doing a concouse resto, I am just trying to stop any rust from appearing in the future.




These final 3 pictures are of the last step of the rust control, Eastwood's Red Rust Encapsulator Primer. I bought a quart and ended up using half of it, also thinned 80/20 with laquer thinner, I sprayed it using 3 Preval disposable sprayers, which I used because I have borrowed spray guns and that stuff can be a real ***** to clean out of them. It took me about 2 hours to do the priming, the last step will be painting it all with Eastwood's Chassis Black and reinstalling the previously cleaned and restored rear end. I also have a new Gas tank that I am going to reinstall as soon as I get it painted with Eastwood's Diamond Clear bare metal preservative. Dont worry about the exhaust, its being replaced next month with dual 3" pipes, in anticipation of the big block.


