People think Mopar is slow??

Wow I didn't realize I'd get so many replies with my little rant. :glasses2:

For the most part I agree with you guys, they are idiots. I was just surprised that the negativity was so strong. Oh well. They'll see soon enough. F'em :thumrigh:

Thanks for the support FABO!!

"why get rid of the rotary?"

This is a question I've also gotten quite a bit. The number one reason is $$$$$. Do you know how much money it takes to make a rotary run 11's consistently and reliably? About 3 times as much as I've got in the v8 swap. I love the body lines on this car, always have, but never liked the idea of messing with the rotary. If I were to dump the kind of money it takes to run fast with a rotary into this v8, I'd run 9's. Seems like a no-brainer to me. :salut:

LOL:toothy10: I was giving you a hard time in chat. I do know what it takes to make a rotary run hard. My dad had one in his sand car. 20 psi making 500+hp. Also had to run 20$ plugs that needed changed every few days and a trany rebuild after almost every weekend out. Then there was the side seals that would blow out and the 2000+degress of heat it would put out. Thing looked like it was on fire at night glowing in the dark. LOL and all the things it would melt:angry7: Thing riped but ya bunch of$$$$$ to make it do that.

You got a nice car have fun with it and don't pay them no mind.