5 spd. conversion thread

thanks! to be honest i can't remember if anything was mentioned,i'll check if i think about it. i found a piece at work with about a 3/4 radius nose on it,put a piece of rubber under it and whacked it with a sledge hammer! pretty backwoods,but it worked. with the motor out,it would be alot easier. i think if i were you i would decide on a kit a fit everything now. your 'cuda looks sweet in the avatar!

Thanks, I just wish I was as far along as you on this project. Nothing wrong with backwoods tech, it looks like your method worked well. I was debating between the Keisler and American Powertrain hydraulic clutch setup. The Keisler setup looks like it has some higher quality parts in it (aluminum master cylinder vs plastic) so I'll probably go with Keisler.

I'll check back often to see your progress and hopefully learn from your adventure...
