Lets talk abt 1st cars!

My first car that I owned was a 47 Willys Sedan delivery that I paid $25 for to a farmer that had it in his field for 20 years. Drug it home and a friend and I spent the summer pulling the engine out, cleaning out all the animal nests and trying to get it running. Got a 283 and powerglide for my 15th birthday and put that in it.

Had stump pulling gears in it, would only do 50 MPH tops with that 283 screaming at 4k, but I could hook on to anything and pull it and do great wheelies in it.

It was a rare one with 2 wheel drive and no windows in the back. Wish I still had it, left it sitting at my grandpa's farm and he sold it for $1700 back in 89. It wasn't much to look at, and hard to take on the highway, but it was a blast to drive.

It was similar to the one in the picture, but looked worse and was 2wd.