Best and easiest to install headers

388dart said
As stated above - spend once - get a set of ceramic coated TTis with their H or X pipe extension and a mini starter. You can use the old big style starter, but you cannot remove without disconnecting the header. A ministarter can be R&R without disconnecting any exhaust.

An item not mentioned in their instructions that seems to help installation is to disconnect the idler arm from the frame so you can manoever the centre link out of the way better. If you use the 3/4 length oil filter, you do not need a 90* adapter. I use NAPA #1068 or equivalent.
If you go with TTI give me a pm for a few more suggestions.

I have the TTI headers in and have it almost back together. There is defianitly better clearance. I still have to get the x pipe wleded up so i can get it in.
On the Oil filter. I like your idea of getting rid of the 90* adadpter. I may even be able to put a full size oil fliter in. It looks like I need to get another adapter. Do you have any ideas where one can pick up a staight adapter what they look like?
Thanks for the input.
Steve R