oil leak from eddy intake

update... i took the bolt out were i thought the leak was, and applied threadlocker on the bolt and torqued it back down. i started the car to let it warm up and around 170 degrees the puddle started to form. i looked closely and noticed it was coming out of a horseshoe looking hole on the head. it created a puddle on the side of the head were it met the intake.

backstory... since i rebuilt the engine (around 500 miles or so ago), the engine ran about 160 degrees and under. last night i found that i had a faulty thermostat so i replaced it. i started the duster to warm it up and as soon as the temp hit around 170 degrees it started to leak once again. to remind you the engine ran cold and has never reached to more than 160. thanks again for all your help. :banghead:

Did you install the intake ?
Reason I as is I am wondering if a bead of RTV was put around the water holes of the heads,befrore the intake was installed ?
Either way,it looks like the intake needs to be re-installed.