8 3/4 chunk math - sticker shock

Here is how I do the math.

Using your 741 case 3.55 sure grip will cost you about $800 and IMO be worth at least $500 used in great condition. Your looking at about $300 depreciation and $550 less initial investment over the 489 new case.

The new 489 case with 3.55 sure grip will cost you $1350.00 and IMO be worth $750 used in great condition. Your looking at $600.00 depreciation and a much higher initial investment.

I have always been the same wanting the best parts money can buy. Guess the age and economy are taking there toll on me. Now I'm just happy to have a car I can get in and drive.

On a side note I was just working on a dana 60 out of my Dart that the previous owner put in. That thing is monster overkill! Guess I'm ready for a Hemi 4 speed when the time is right.