"Rookie-Touring" '69 Dart

So, todays work. Getting REAL close. Stayed up late and got a good jump on tomorrow. Hopefully I don't sleep in too much, haven't slept past 7:00 yet though.

So we got a bunch of tube bent today for the tunnel (takes a long time for this rookie to bend up tube). I also bent up a front cross member but didn't have a chance to cut it to size, hopefully tomorrow.

I'm not 100% sold on this setup yet so we just tacked it in place. I would prefer these tubes to be rolled, but I don't have a roller. I may change them at Christmas but I'm not sure yet, we'll see.

Also started a drive shaft loop. I'm not going to finish it until Christmas when I get the chunk mounted and know exactly where the drive shaft will be, so it's just chilling there, not tacked in at all.

Got the motor mounts tacked together. Dave is going to TIG those tonight along with two other 180's for the tunnel.

Pretty much finished my rear bumper mount/support tube. The chassis will be welded to this tube and it will be bolted to the rear crossmember as well as the bumper brackets. Below this tube, and centered, will be my trailer hitch. I'm building a car, but I'm a water-skier...

Since Greg was so cool to deliver the brackets for the rear LCA's, I decided to put them together at about 12:00 midnight and tacked one side in place.

The entire passenger side assembly.

I still have a lot of work to do on the chassis, triangulate the tunnel, and the rear LCA bars, build some down bars for the front, and a couple bars to connect to the front hoop that goes over the bell-housing (the down bars will also be welded to these two bars). I'm hoping still to get the core support finished that I'm playing with. Not a necessity, but it would be nice to get it sized right and tacked to see how it fits.

That's all for now. I'm excited for tomorrow and hopeful (expecting) to have this thing on the ground by days end. I'm running out of time...