Milodon Pick-up tube

I worked in the parts biz for many years, up until the introduction of the computers and this was when you had to use catalogs. Now days, if they can't find it in the computer, it doesn't exist. I know there are some parts people out there that will take exception to this, and you are not the people to which I am referring. A prime example I had just recently was, in West Palm Beach we were changing the third member in an 8 3/4 at the race track. We sent someone into town and they went to Advanced, O'Reilly, and CarQuest. These folks could not find a gasket for the third member in their computers. Our guy finally found a combination car wash, feed store, hardware store, parts store. He asked for the gasket, and they were able to look it up and supply it. The electronics age has made a lot of people lazy and they are not willing to go the extra mile to help a customer.