I Want To Kill Someone.

Shame if it was teenagers, society has led them to this, that and the fact that parents don't have the right anymore to discipline their children.

The experts that have told us that we cannot discipline our kids and we have to let them do what they want because if we don't let them, then it will cause emotional distress and they won't feel good about themselves later in life. Those experts more than likely don't have kids of their own and wouldn't dare to because they know they couldn't be responsible parents themselves. Irrelevant what the law says, my 15 y.o. son knows what would happen if did something to someones car. I have a well behaved son and a very respectful son...................all because I have disciplined him when he done wrong and rewared him when he done good. There is nothing wrong with disipline, just some parents don't know how to do it so they don't think anyone else should be allowed either.