torque limit on frozen water pump bolt

SO like update? What happen??

oh, i read about kroil vs pblaster online, kroil seems to be the winner.
you can buy kroil on but good luck finding it in a brick and mortar.
I bought some pblaster, soaked over night, took my 3/8 ratchet to it and hit it a bit on the handle with a hammer to simulate impact socket, but nothing. I'll try hitting it straight on with hammer as the last few have said, and I'll try taking a pipe over the handle to get more leverage, but for now other things have taken precedence.

if the above doesnt work, i'll take it somewhere where I can get some heat put on it.

I'll update when something really happens. In the mean time, i'm happy to see more ideas being posted here, like the hammer straight on (even though I dont have much clearance for that, it sounds good)