Paint in spray bomb

Hey all. GOOD FRIDAY MORNING. I have some info to share with ya'll.
While I have been on here getting info to paint my car I have seen lots of questions about haveing spray can paint for your color. So when I went to the paint store to get a high build primer for block sanding, I asked if they could put paint in spray cans for touch ups. She said that they cannot do that but we have this. The company is Preval and the product is Spray Gun. Its a 6oz glass bottle with replacable can of compressed air. The kit cost $7.95 and refills of air was 4.95. She said just mix your paint, pour into bottle and paint just like if you were using a reagular spray can of paint. I have not tried it yet but I should sometime soon, I HOPE. The website is www.prevalspraygun dot com.
I hope this helps others looking for the same info. Have a great day. Now I need to go and sand my arms off.