? Converter

convertors can make or break a combo and you really get what you pay for.... it seems that the 9.5" convertors are the way to go anymore. i have a 9.5 dynamics in my dart and love it.... i know sean wants to know your entire combo and the wieght of your car alovg with an honest intended usage... they use that info to tweek one to your needs.. i know my 9.5 isn't the same as goody's 9.5 or djvcudas 9.5. yes they are all from the same place but all three of us have different combos. the new 9.5 convetors don't generate tons of heat like the older high stahl convertors because they are designed to lock up better at cruising speed on the street instead of constantly slipping... mine will flash to about 3800, on the foot brake i can get it over 3000 rpm, and on the street it cruises like a stock convertor... i run a simple trans cooler. i don't even run it through the rad. just a cooler hung in front of the rad and have had no issues at all with it....