Anyone running a crosswind (air gap knock off) intake?
When i bought mine it was $170... the comparable edelbrock air gap.. was almost $300. Edelbrock is a good company.. but sometimes the prices are a bit inflated..
Does the china copy company do any reseach on the motor your using when building an intake...
Does the china copy company build or design anything for use on your motor
So when you really can't get anything for a SB mopar don't run your mouth when you help screw the companies that spend money and countless hours designing and redesigning parts for your use....
So now the 300 for the intake isn't so much, and without it some scumbag couldn't send it over to china to be copied...
EVERYONE should stop using places that are selling scumbag copies....
like summit.....
No loyalty here in this country anymore....
Forget buying American to support the workers, people need to stop voting for the R's who's main goal is the help big businesses earn higher profits over everything else.
Yeah Clinton was the one who started the China invasion of goods but I think things would have been much better today for us Joe 6 Packs if Gore would have gotten in over GWB...I can't see fuel prices being any higher, which was a worry with Gore and his green BS, at least many of us would have been earning higher wages and maybe our home values would still be going up like they still are up in Canada.
End of rant, sorry:butthead:
You better do some research before talking nonsense...
clinton cost this country 5 millions jobs
the new dick is still going ahead with 3 other free trades that will cost this country another 300,000 in 5 years.
Oil is not controlled by the president, so stop talking stupid.
If gore got in things would be worse... from terrorists doing as they please.
Housing prices going up aren't a good thing.... wtf kind of economical thinking is that...
Escalate housing prices out of reach so no one can afford them...
please stick to whatever auto knowledge you have....