Anyone running a crosswind (air gap knock off) intake?

So, edelbrock designed these and patented them I am sure, so edelbrock sold the patent to someone before they could have them made (anywhere) and sold in the US.

If edelbrock sold the patent, where is the loyalty coming from?

There are a lot of "american" companies that are owned by foreign investors so that profit does not necessarily go to americans.

You should take your own advice "please stick to whatever auto knowledge you have"

So are you saying that edel sold there mold to china....

Are you insane, are you?

Spicer is selling there molds too?
ARB ? AAM, the other gear companies.....

No, scumbags here take 2 of what they want copied send it to china, they cut the 2 pieces up and copy them poorly and then you people screw the company that does the hard work and research, and then come up with some pee brained idea so you can sleep at night like a good fool story like you just printed about edel selling there molds....

:tool: :violent1: :roll:

The blatant copying and being able to get away with it do to bs with litigation between the US and china is why it exists...