Remote Filters

You can get a pretty good idea how I did mine here:

I run a remote full flow (top/inner fender), Motorguard Bypass (down by the alterantor), and an oil cooler (not shown - behind the grill) off the same circuit from a Permacool sandwich adapter. The sandwich adapter fits between the block and a ST Ecore (ST16) in the stock orientation with a half inch clearance to the Hookers, taking about a 2psi flow off the stock filter circuit. Lines are mostly half inch dual-layer nitrile core 300psi hydraulic hose, running along the top of the inner fender back around the outside corner and along the firewall down to the oil filter take-off. Bypass filter uses 1/4" lne (same type) tee'd off the cooler circuit and returned to the driver side valve cover. Maximum lubrication efficiency.