What's going on in Japan

Here's what puzzles me. One news report said something like 108 nuclear reactors in the U.S. , And a country smaller than California has 54 of them ? Do they need that much electricity ? It doesn't matter though. If they only had 4 it might still be the same 4 in the same place.
What really bothers me is the politicians who jump in front of the news cameras with "We need to spend lots of money improving our nuclear sites".
They really need a reality check. Natural events like earthquakes will happen whether we humans are here or not.
Stronger levys stand in waiting for stronger storms. Plain and simple truth. No matter if we spend a dime or a dollar protecting ourselves and facilitates from nature or idiots like Bin Laden, we remain at risk.
The one thing we have that Gods other creatures dont have is prayer.
There are talking heads on the tv that will ask us to pray for the people of Japan and also pray that something similar doesn't happen here. You will need to change the channel to find them .

The population of the US is over 307,000,000. The population of Japan is around 130,000,000. 54 nuke plants doesn't seem outta proportion. Tokyo's population alone is over 12 million. That's TEN Atlantas. Its the biggest city in the world. You ever been through Atlanta? Imagine a city TEN TIMES that size. That's a heap of juice.