What's going on in Japan

Japan has no oil, coal, ect.

I'm sure some folks over there are crying for help, we just don't see it. Many more are dead, over 10,000 people. The US media reports the news a bit more honesty. Plus we can understand English, not Japanese.

The plant could blow up, very unlikely but still a maybe.

The people in Japan should be very upset for what happen, I seen they had a poor view of their leaders even before this.

I much as I hate China, I think they would had been more prepared. The flood wall was not built high enough and the backup units were not raised enough off the ground. Everything was fine after the quake, it was the water that knock everything out.

Here it is 10 years out from 9/11 and the world still suffers over things that should never had happen--could had easy been stop. Higher flood walls--locks on all cockpit doors, etc