CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

I like the vid. I've been through that part of the country many times. (I too drive semi's, and I used to live up in Franklin OHIO). Pulled beer loads out of Trenton OH (Miller brewery). I met my "ex" at the Stony-ridge truck stop in Monroe OH (yes, I was warned not to go down in the basement but.....{inside joke 4 us ohio truckers}) My son lives in Carlisle OH. I have actually stopped at that "Amish" Mack dealership when I drove up that way (had to but an air-regulator 4 truck). Anyway, keep up the good work. (hey, one time I bought a '64 Dart up there in Neptune OH. If you know where that is, im impressed (its small...) Nice job on the FOTO. ENJOY!

Stoney Ridge.....The basement........

Anyway, our van club in the late 70's and early 80's would rent 10 rooms up on the balcony and have about 100 vans show up to party!!!

Man those were truly the daze!!:supz: