17 x 8 wheels - Duster

Does anyone have 17 x 8 w/ 4.5" BS on all four wheels? If so, what size tires are you running front & rear? Any issues with clearance, handling or spacer requirements? Stock front end with 8.75 w/BBP/ drums in rear. Post pics if you are running this set-up...please.

The wheels that I am looking at are not yet available in an 17 x 7 w/ 4" BS, so considering going with the 17 x 8 w/ 4.5" BS on all fours.

Thanks in advance for your help or thoughts.
I'm in the same situation I want a set of rocket racing 17x7 w/4.25" bs or possibally 17x8 w/ 4.5" bs for the front, going with 18x9 in the rear with a full tub. Hopefully you'll get some answers on this post . I'll be watching, if you find something out how about dropping me a line....