What's going on in Japan

I saw somethin' weird on youtube, a comment somebody left on a video of the tsunami.

Twin towers .. 9/11/01
Japan earthquake/tsunami .. 3/10/11
Add the two together =

Mayan callendar saying its the end of the world.. 12/21/12

Not that I'm all caught up in that, I just thought it was a bit weird.

Wow that was weird.. spooky in fact.. Im not buying all that end of the world crap.. thats all I keep hearing is this is the sign its really gonna happen.. ok whatever... All I know is my brother lives in Japan, and has for the past 7 years or so.. He loves it there.. However as the oldest brother it has me worried to death.. He lives near Tokyo, so he isnt in the worst area, however that 9.0 quake did a number on his apartment and trashed a good bit of his stuff.. and he posts regularly on his facebook about the aftershocks that keep continuing... which brings me to an interesting side note.... Japan keeps calling them 'aftershocks'... some magnitude 6 or even a little better.. might just be me, but those sound like outright quakes to me LMAO .. not aftershocks.. at any rate my brother is fine but I worry.. I feel terrible for the lives lost in this disaster.. When Mother Nature flexes her muscles, she definitely lets us all know whos boss...