CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

That's right, a chapter 26, re-visit of
Mood Music Link;
Hit It!!!

YouTube - Steve Martin & Earl Scruggs - Foggy Mountain Breakdown

I took ABB out on a stange run, won't bore with details. See chapter 26, post#386 of

for pics of the cars. The white LeBarron was the one ABB goes with me on. It was way out in the country. We showed a video of the first trip out there in BABY when she almost took out a heard -O-Turkeys!

Anyway, I had ABodyBetty help me by spotting FOTO, holding electric horse fence out of the way, (after I touched it first!)
Then she was off with my good leather gloves to run the wench! (Please no wench running the wench jokes here ok)
While I got to wrestle the chains and the cable with cloth Jersey gloves!

She did pretty good considering it was her first time, it was a very strange hook and book situation, muddy to the point of almost getting FOTO stuck several times, having to hook pull reverse release move truck rehook rechain repull 6 more times before the car was on FOTO! All the while threading a Labarron with 4 flats in the mudd between a full set of plow disks and a pile of Gravely machines!! When we first started I had about 50' of cable and 20' of chain out from the truck!
Brought a whole new meaning to
"Reach out and touch someone and show them you really care"
I was singing that to her when we first started dragging out the cable.

It went from cocky to "Baby we need to call a roll back out here and take a loss".
Keep in mind the crazy old man (me) yelling at her the directions of wench operations while we were both wallering in mudd & horse manure!!!

ABB wasn't havin any of that, "NO just keep trying it should only take us one more pull"!

When it was finally time to leave, I was pouring sweat off me so bad, I stripped down to just jeans and boots (still covered in mud and horse crap), jumped in the truck and tore *** BAJA style out of their lot almost taking out ABB, 2 barns, a 40" camper, and 1 enclosed trailer with HD inside. I didn't stop untill out on that country blacktop 100feet away yelling "COME ON, I WANT TO GET THE SCREAMIN F OUTTA HERE!!!!"
So, after dropping the electric fence she was holding, here comes ABB running from the barns, past the camper, past the trailer with the harley out onto street, and jumps in FOTO. We were off before she could get her door shut!!!

What a trooper, I'm suprised she cooked me dinner this evening and looks like she will stay with me another day too!

She now knows though, I'm not just out big shotting around the berg in FOTO chasing women all day.
Junkin IS REALLY a job, and now she's had a real bad taste of it.
Sorry for her but sure was glad she was there watching my back today. I can't even think of the time she saved me by her staying at the wench with me on the cable and chains!
I was stressing that the overall situation could have turned stupid (or stupidER) at any time.

Sure was glad she went with me today. THANK YOU ABB!!!
I wish we could have gotten pics but we both were so hard at it, didn't think of the camera. We were in a killer hurry. The owner couldn't be there and out there you don't know if you'll be shot at by a neighbor with good intentions.
Went back out there this evening for another bad pull at the same place. ABB wouldn't go this time though. Hmmmm......

Well FABO, see ya next time, here on
Some people get all the good jobs!! lol just kidding . . . that's not easy work . . . you'll get all of them becsuse you are tenacious . . . . good luck