MOLES . . . the enemy

MOLES . . . .

. . . I got the little furry SOB's all over my yard this time of year . . . one mound is darn near 3' in diameter and 6" high . . . . :dontknow:

I've tried many weapons on the offensive in the past, just a few are:

* Pellets . . . (I think they like the taste)
* Mole-be-gone . . . (they left got their buddies and returned)
* Bubble gum . . . (yeah right . . .)
* Human hair . . . . (yeah right again . . . )
* A mixture of CHLORINE BLEACH and AMMONIA . . . MUAHAHAHAHA . . . lol . . . you guys know what thats about (that combo could kill a grizzly a quarter mile away but it didn't phase 'em, I think they have little gas masks)
* I put my garden hose in their tunnels . . . (I think they can swim or they have scuba gear)
* I even connected a hose to my exhaust and let it run for hours with the hose in one of their tunnels (I know they have little gas masks)
* Finally I bought two traps, well not traps, it's those little guillotine type contraptions which send about 10 sharp spikes down into the soil. I did get couple with this over a couple of months, but I know their making babies faster than I can kill them!!
* Last but not least is a new concoction of cod liver oil and something of the like which you spread like fertilizer and it supposedly drives them to your neighbors yard (now why would I do that to my neighbors? I like them!!)

Does anyone have any ideas other than claymores, bazookas, or C4??

Rog :banghead: