In over my head

I use KleenStrip brand paint stripper, also called Aircraft Stripper. This is NASTY stuff but it works great for stripping paint and softening old body filler. Wear long sleeves and rubber gloves, this stuff will burn like fire if it touches skin. The residue will wash off of the clean steel with water. I usually give the panel a once over with acetone after the water just for good measure. You've got a lot of work ahead of you, don't underestimate your ability, you'll be surprised at what you didn't know you are good at. Look through some of the other threads for home made panels to get inspired. A lot of these guys, myself included, were first time fabricators by default. If you can't find good replacement panels and can't afford to pay somone else to do the work, you'll have to make them yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Good luck. Please post more pic's from all angles plus interior and engine bay.

Thanks for the information about the Aircraft stripper. I will admit I have a lot to learn and will learn them as I go along. But I do know the /6 is coming out and a small block will go in. I don't know about making my own panels I am sure that will take the skill and patience that I might not be able to learn. I will be glad to take pictures at all angles and post them here.