Edelbrock Fireball!!!

like moparkid said ... I always pop out my number one plug and put my finger in the hole ,crank the engine over until I hear a PPPHHHHFFFFSSSSSTTTTT past my finger and immediately stop cranking .....then check the orientation of your rotor and you should either be on or just after the number one position.

also check to make sure all your plug wires are in correct order, you have good spark plugs, if your have points and condensor you need to make sure they are good and adjusted properly,check your coil and make sure it is wired correctly.

the thing I am not clear on.....is.... did the engine run correctly PRIOR to this carb swap? if not than you are taking a shot in the dark......for all you/we know ...your timing chain has jumped a tooth or has been installed incorrectly or you have a bent valve ,or bad piston rings .

you need to give more information on exactly what is is you have,you are doing,what has been done and what parts you are working with.

remember stupid questions get stupid answers.....you can only expect to be helped equal to the amount of effort you put into your question.

also...pictures help because someone with an eagle eye may spot something out of place that you might be over looking

everything is on the money here!

and i dont think we asked the history on this thing...

how long did it have this problem
is this car new to you (just bought) or was it running and you changed something and now its not running
anything and everything helps...