Are you a respected member?
famous,regular and respected are just words I used from the top of my head.....others may refer to them differently but the general point I was trying to make as in there being different levels of acceptance I think got across to most of you.
I agree that most times people are given the answers they deserve ,like you said....the guy who wants to take on an entire resto but only knows very little...may be talked to in a somewhat student teacher type of way to give them a reality check that its not a breeze job to do and so on.
HOWEVER ....I have seen from time to time (some of these people have been banned but some are still here) like to criticize , be rude and obnoxious.
like has been mentioned before when someone wants to build a slant 6 and someone pipes up saying its junk and to put a 360 in .....theres no need for that.
or when an older person talks of knowing more than a younger person or when a younger person claims of doing a job in half the time of an older person.
or when someone is selling a vehicle and someone bash's the persons add or offers up the same thing for sale in that same thread and basically ruins that persons sale.
lots of variations of good and bad things some folks on here have done in the passed.
all in all, fabo rocks.....I just got bored and figured I would post up my thoughts and made this thread but I didnt think so many people were going to have in depth insight on the subject......good to see everyone's thoughts on it.
I agree this is a great site and I am happy to be a member.......I think there are jerks everywhere....and some decent people have JERKY days kinda like a bad hair day, threads do get hijacked and some folks think their parts are made of gold plated platinum.....while others think they deserve them for cheep.....
There are members that have a kinda certain respect ....but like I was sayin they are on here all the time....they interact with quite a few folks and most of the time they offer good advice...... that is what brings them a certain un written respect...but that is true ANYWHERE not just on FABO..... your word and the keeping thereof is really all you have to be "graded" by..... you walk like you talk ....your grades go up, you needlessly flame someone or sell a $20 part for $60 and take 3 months to ship it, your grades GO DOWN.... I got what you were saying I just don't think it is THAT unusual compared to anything else.....moods change, people are different when they drink, people act different when things go shitty at work or they have financial problems....there is really no tellin what makes people do what they do. Those that have that unwritten respect that you speak of have lost it from time to time...but they go back to the basics and it comes back pretty quickly
AS far as the BASHING got pretty bad in fact that Joey published a sticky asking nicely for folks to STOP...... I guess some just feel their view / opinion is worth more or is more correct and if you don't agree or have evidence to the contrary....the bashing begins...... the key to all of this IMHO is .....for example if you don't like the **** that gets flung in the politics forum....YOU have the choice to stay out of there so you arent tempted to begin **** flinging!! OLD saying if ya dont like the heat in the kitchen.... stay out of the kitchen!
regarding all the replies: you asked some fair questions about the site.....and people responded with what they knew or believed about the site to try and answer you best they could..... THAT is the SECRET SAUCE that makes the site tick and gives people their credibility...... the fact that so many are willing to respond to your casual curiosity.....pretty much every one of those replies is an attempt to lend you a hand with understanding what FABO is made of.......that is the ROOT it all comes forth from there......
NO offense to our young guns, but people that have been on earth longer and have experienced more........ just by being here longer
usually are more informed....not smarter necessarily and not always. but they do tend to have a broader experience base from which to draw conclusions or forecast likelyhoods....thats is no insult that is simply the result of being around longer...... example: my nephew is a computer wizzard....there isn't much he cannot do, crackin code, programming phones etc etc etc..... BUT when it came to a little hardware glitch....and he didnt have an ICON that fixed it or a program that fixed it.....he had to come to me and ask how to fix his hardware or get his network back up......stuff that I have seen and fixed 100 times that he had no idea how to do.....thats not insulting...THATS PASSIN IT ON!!! and making someone think it through is not MEAN it is the right way to learn things....that way next time it happens and I am long dead, HE will be able to think it thru and bail himself out!
This was actually a very informative thread and a pretty good question