Another this or that opinion question...Challenger, daily drive or sunny

A buddy and I have an ongoing argument:

You suddenly get a windfall. You get a new Challenger, free and clear. You pick the options, color, etc. For the sake of the discussion, it is completely paid for, and you have to keep it, no selling it buy something else. Maybe you had a wierd uncle that set the rules.

Would you:
A: Bring it out on perfect weather days only. No rain, no snow, absolute and total nice weather car...

B: Drive it ALL THE TIME. It might stay home during known snow storms, but drive it every day. Screw the rain, put on the miles and enjoy...

I am definately a B. I would shoot to be the first person with 250K miles on it. Yes, it would be meticulously maintained, waxed, wash, etc, but I personally couldn't let a car like that sit...