Fluid Dampener How To.........???

I've heard on this site that an average dampner costs under or around $100........... After running a few manufacturers, I see they vary from $78. up to nearly $500................................!!!!!

I need someone to help us out here.............

We believe the 340 in question has a balance problem not directly related to the flywheel or torque converter............We have vibration at 1400 rpm, and again at 2800 rpm, and probably at the next matching frequency as well..............

We'd like to get rid of it........very annoying........not very good for the motor either I would imagine..........It's a relatively new rebuild, all great components, but they didn't balance it..........brilliant...........

There are so many balancers available that it's dizzying if you don't know the ropes........ Neutral, Internal Balance, Fluid Filled, etc............ I don't know what the difference is between the stock Mopar balancer and the aftermarket balancers that are available............We need to address the IMBALANCE.........not just bolt on a new one with a fancy name that won't FIX the problem.

Help us out here, and I'm sure a detailed response as to the in's and out's of Balancers and Dampners will be a help to ALL of our members.

Thanks............................ Doc :thumbup: