CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

Mood music;

[ame=""]YouTube - Soggy Bottom Boys- I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow[/ame]

My new used camera is here!!!


Boy it's so nice to shoot pics again with out parts falling off your camera while you're shooting!
It's also WAY COOL not to get the crap shocked out of ya from those loose flash wires too!!

That means we'll be getting back to getting good pics for everyone here at FABO and here on

Vinnie wasn't much help again!! The UPS man either threw it over his head to get it on the porch or Vinnie had to sign for it??!!?? I don't know how it got there, but I looked down and there it was. My new used camera off feebay! It can use all my old lenses and other stuff from the old camera too. Now we can send it off for repairs for back up. After repairs are done I will probibly use the old D-40 as a "For FABO ONLY" camera cause it takes a beating out in the driveway with me on restore threads. I don't want to roach out my new Mr.T Bling special limited edition Nikon!! LOL!!

So, lets get some pics here. I'll try out the new used (it was a demo camera for 10 pics or less at a camera shop, got a heck of a deal on it) camera by getting some pics of what I have been shooting with as of late sense falling on it at a car show last year.
It was a major ordeal getting a replacement camera. I even bought one on feebay before this one that turned out to be a fraud case. I didn't get my money back for 2 weeks!! As some of you know too, I don't have alot of money to my name and this camera money that was ripped off of me was about 30% of my money I have.

I have now went on to bust people who are trying to sell fraudulent camera auctions on feebay cause I know what to look for now! Busted my first 2 already!

I was totally stressing even getting a different cam but the one I was using started to fail with dark bad pics and was a safety hazard too! If I got 1 more shock off that flash again I was going into cardiac arrest!!

Anyway we bout wore the D-40 out here on FABO. I was layed off over 2 years ago and deaply depressed. Then I discovered FABO!! We already had BABY and the old D-40 camera. With my printing and photography background, I found writing, filming, editing, my Abody restores here on FABO was giving me a purpose. So off I went and over 10,000 pics later here we are. In the beginning back then I had borrowed ABB's Nikon. After I had it in the garage and driveway with me all the time, she bought a new one for her that next tax return season. When I fell on it and broke it at the car show, I came home and gave her $200.00 for it to go towards her new camera, while I was shooting with the toxic SHOCK Nikon, till now!!

The last few are the test pics from the new/used camera! They are the ones of the old camera, Vinnie and Lex.

I'll be ready for the next chapter of

Ok, I'm glad we did this test. It's taken a while to resize the pics from the new camera. FABO wouldn't eat them as usual. On the D-40 I would resize pics down to 75% and they would post ok. The D-60 pics won't go unless I'm around 2240-2256 X around 1500 mega pixels. It will take me a few more pic post to realize actual new % sizing to use...
The old D-40 is a 6.1 mega pixle cam and the newer D-60 is a 10.1 mega pixle cam. Sharper, clearer images with less movement but,
The D40 with less mega pix will focus faster without as much thinking about it!
I am for sure going to get the old D40 repaired and use it for FABO only (garage and driveway) camera. I got some "Camera Armor" for 15 bucks. It looks like it may protect from falls!