CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

That sucks... I was trying to figure out last night how I could possibly drive down and get the whole car. I have two converts, both 85 and both need parts. One very solid, the other I got 8 years ago for basically $50 from the neighbor. Put a $250 top on it and drove, and drove, and drove... It is still driving. When I got it, it too had grass growing in the carpet. Literally...
I put decals on it saying "Bancroft Taxi" and it gets a chuckle out of most who know Bancroft. Wish I could say one stop light town but hey all we gots is a 4 way stop.
First time I took my kids out in it (age 5 and 7), I put the top down and when we hit 50 mph both kids lost their baseball hats. They had very shocked looks on their faces. :shock:

Ya just do not see em up here like that one looked so was hopin to catch ya quick enough. :sad11: