Solid flat tappet cam

I prefer solid lifters and here is "my" reasoning. A hydrauilc lifter has give or take .100" of movement in the hydraulic pushrod plunger. The whole purpose of the hydraulic lifter is to reduce noise. There is no other reason the hydraulic lifter was invented. Argue it all you want, but that's it in black and white. The valvetrain must have some sort of "leway". Whether that is from valve lash of a solid lifter or from the "forgiveness" if you will of a hydraulic lifter. Actually, if you get technical about it, They are really both the same as for allowing that leway. However, after that, they are completely different. Because the hydraulic lifter can have as much as .080" or more movement of the plunger, the solid lifter to me since it has a measureable amount of valve lash is hands down more accurate.