Hemi plastic intake boost limit

well, some cars came with plastic blow off vavles, and some cars came stock with plastic inlet tubing ( not much but I've seen it before). I'm guessing it'd handle 10psi pretty well. anything more than that and I'd want to fiberglass coat it or use an overlay of metal at the attaching bolts with a web of bracing or something, but then you are getting into territory where the stock motor wont handle that much boost I would imagine......Wonder what it would sound like if it blew off at say...20psi :lol:
Now that I think about it, a 24oz Mt Dew bottle will hold 120PSI when chucked up to an air compressor, so who knows. Here's a bump anyway...
Yea a 1 liter bottle will hold 100psi for a while. After that it's surprisingly loud