Treasures found under the seats

I part a car or two just about every year and scrounge salvage yards when I can. I've found lots of odd stuff over the years but nothing really valuable. I've found lot's of spare change and hippie-related materials in the 60s and 70s cars. :rolleyes: The better things I've found were ram air vents and trim in a 70 Javelin under the driver's seat (one year deal), A gold Zippo lighter (plated) in the heater of a 72 Bonneville, and a lot of odd rings, bracelets, ear rings, etc. in various other cars - nothing worth much. :???: There weren't any seats in the 68 Javelin I'm parting this spring but I did find a couple of 45 caliber bullet holes when I pulled out the carpet. I bet that guy's ears were ringing for a while. :p