clifford or offenhouser intake??
I might be wrong here but the clifford has the same length runners as a stock intake as well the offy, mine has the bosses for bolting to the exhaust manifold, I drilled them to hold me super 6 linkage, so if they longer it could only be the fatter outer end runners
that give this illusion...cause the center runner have no where to hide that length, they are stock length.
it's the runner width which equates to volume, more runner volume.
I can agree based on the 'velocity idea' that for better low speed 'below the turbo' characteristics the offy could be the better choice but there many factors in the tune and parts selection department that'll effect this.
I don't own an off but I do own a clifford and have the stock gamet of intakes, I could measure the total volume of the intake/s