Captainkirk's Duster project
The Other Shoe Drops
Well, I've bored you before. Might as well keep the ball in play.
I think where I left off with this story was with the new owners, and their high hopes.
This lasted until, oh,
about November. Roughly nine months.
Thanksgiving, to be precise.
The day after Thanksgiving, 2008 was an optional holiday we could work if we chose, or not.
I chose to work only because I was somewhat behind schedule. Sam was up in the north woods deer hunting
, which I longed to be, (we usually hunted together each year) but it didn't matter because money was tight; out-of-state fees were up, and I was broke.
So, about mid-day Roy calls me into his office and tells me he's decided to close the company.
say again?
Yep. He's been losing money hand-over-fist. And discovering maybe this wasn't his cup o' tea.
Fine time to tell me, pal.
He tells me to let my crew go.
Sam & I can stay on to tie up loose ends for a week or so.
Thats all, folks!
Now I've been around the block a time or two. I've been based on this airfield since the early eighties, built up a nice customer base and made a reputation for myself. I'd also befriended a number of my customers. They trusted me, and I returned the favor by doing the best job I could. And now I'm supposed to pack it in and find another job?
I had a better idea
I picked up the phone and let my fingers do the walking.