Captainkirk's Duster project
Oye! Cap`n! :salute::salute:
We've been missing ya. I hear you on the economy and being broke. We got a SCHA-WEET tax return, mainly due to me putting extra $$$ into Fed Tax every pay and our medical expenses this year. I was hopeful to take 1/2 of the return and place into the "budget" for the Duster, but with the way things are going w/economy and the never ending "What's going to happen next???" at work the decision to stick all of the return into savings was the better choice:hmph:
Need to have some cushion to keep the roof over our heads. And since the Duster's been waiting since I re-acquired it back in 95 a few more ??? (months/years/decades) might not hurt - at least since it's in the garage.
I really wanted to get moving on it this summer. Since I have the full AMD floor and a mig that's ready to weld I can at least "get started". So, all is not lost until it's time for $$$ on the paint / drive-line / and etc. etc. Maybe by that time "NO-Bama" will be out and whoever will be in then we'll see if things get better? ? ?
Glad to see you're back and posting on the site. Come-on Cap`n got any more old stories from "back in the day" to share?:happy1: