Weekend Warriors/Workout Addicts/Athletes (30's)

This question goes for you guys out there who are entering your mid to late thirties and are fighting to continue your athletic endeavors going into your forties. Did you guys ever get sick of the beer gutted guys at work who are in their fifties constantly telling you it's time to slow down and join them in the E-Z chair ranks? I ask this because in November I suffered a horrible elbow injury while doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that earned me a nice ambulance ride, tons of morphine, and eventually being knocked out in order to pop it back in to place. At work all the guys who have given up trying to stay in any kind of shape are constantly mentioning my fight to return and how it's going to be rough considering my age. It's almost like they are trying to discourage me from making a comeback. Any experiences with these same thoughts?