Weekend Warriors/Workout Addicts/Athletes (30's)

I have been working out for 15 years, 3-4 times a week faithfully. I am now in the best shape of my life at 39. I still coach and play baseball and hockey. I have had younger guys ask me when am I going to slow down. A guy at the gym just turned 30 and said it is time for him to slow down, not lift too heavy, and do what sounds to me like a Jane Fonda workout. He says he can't beleive how hard I still go so close to 40. MY reply WTF, I still feel good doing it, and I enjoy doing it, and that is all that matters!:toothy8:

Nice!!!!!!! You sound like this guy I run into at the gym all the time. I'm not sure of his age but he says he worked out at Muscle Beach here in SoCal during the Schwarzenegar craze. He says he'll keep lifting and conditioning until it no longer feels good for his body. That guy is always at the gym.