Weekend Warriors/Workout Addicts/Athletes (30's)

Well It's funny you say this b/c for the last 6 weeks I have been doing the insanity workout program followed up with my typical weight training. I'm 34 year young and have been weight training for the past 12 years. I'm the wellness coordinator for the Coast guard here in Yorktown, VA. you would think I would already be in impeccable shape right? Well I looked like I was, but I soon found out when i started the Insanity workout I wasn't even close. After two wks into the program my energy level and body changed drastically. I'm as fast as I was in my early 20's and I look way better... I guess what the point of all this is that if you work ur arse off you can change your body to act like it did in its 20's... work work work!

Excellent man!!!!! What exactly is this workout you are doing? Is it like P90X or something in that same fashion?