Winnipeg/Manitoba FABO get together

I just turned on my computer and jumped to the last page Mark =D>
To see how things went for everyone today :occasion:
6 members at one place :toothy7: Had to be a great evening for even the bar tender :toothy10: I am looking forward to stories and pictures :smilebox:
Wet and raining and cold here but I bet it was nice inside up there in Canada tonight :cheers:
Do I need a pass port to cross over to Canada ?
I have about $12 in coins for the next meet :-D
Looking forward to the updates Mark and who had the first shot of Burden or what ever =D>

It was actually a quiet time Mike. We had a few drinks, some good food and great conversations. Our waitress was a rookie, I think, because she having a hard time, and poor Dave hand to wait forever for his second plate of chicken wings.:toothy8: In the end we did not get any pics, but we decided we are going to get you some pics with the cars soon, when we meet next. Hopefully with a few more members of the Manitoba FABO chapter.
A passport Yes, as for the coins, you won't need them. A few of us will treat you to some good Canadian beer and hospitality!:drinkers: