Give me your best shot

I have seen many great day's here and learned more about myself and the world around me then I have in my entire life being here on this computer
For A Bodies Only has been a big part of my life and I have took adventures I would not have experienced if not for the great folks here :happy10:
My family MeMikeJr, Jr's wife, creeds_247 and last but not least memikeswife :love7: have joined in on the fun and education threads :read2:
You all know me by know :toothy10: and it has been a great pleasure for me to enjoy and learn here with a bunch of great friends YES friends :happy10:
Even though I have not met most of you I still feel like we are friends and I will continue to feel that way :happy10:

Give me your best shot at me and I will enjoy and learn from it... so :poke:away :-D

Thank you for putting up with me and sharing your days with me and letting me in your life and the love I have receive here :happy10:

small /6 to my small fish I catch :-D, and my drinking :drinkers:
Yep and my words ain't corect for some 8)
I wonder how some of yall put up with me sometimes :bootysha:
What the he double hockey sticks is a Strongend anyway :-D
You Arkansas friend on the hill in the sticks, me Mike :happy10:

ps. FABO P.W. :)