Give me your best shot

Mike, there's one thing we are not going to see eye to eye on.....canned spinach. I thought people stopped eating that slimy stuff during the Johnson Administration. I bet even Buddy runs and hides when you open the can.

OK, ok, it's not that bad, it just grosses me out, I gotta have fresh or the frozen stuff....guess you can see it's pretty hard to find anything to mess with you about lol. I guess now you're gonna tell me how canned spinach and eggs is a great hangover cure.....
I quess it does look and seem like a nasty mix 8-[ And I agree it is much better with fresh or frozen spinach :tongue3: I have been eating it for well over 40 years and it's a great protein boost and economical, this gets everyone here at home!! I put vinegar on it to :colors:
Good one goldfish65 :hello2:

I'm with some of the other folks, only shot I'd send your way was one we threw back during a toast!:drinkers:

Now about those fish... we call ones that size bait! :toothy10:
:mrgreen: I have seen pictures of the big fish being caught here and I was waiting for that one Stan :toothy2: and just think!! I have to walk a 1/4 mile and back with a stringer full and clean fillet 20 of them just to make up for half of one small salmon or musky :mrgreen:

Not to good with words MeMike,kind of speachlessss.
Snake speechless #-o I bet after a couple cups of coffee you can think of something :mrgreen:.

I am still chuckleing over the "Seed Channel" memike. :mrgreen: :rock:

You are one of the reasons I am here on FABO. Keep it up........................but first................assume the position! :butthead:

YouTube - Kevin Bacon - Fraternity Paddle
Seed, Speed Dweed Cannel :glasses8:I will get it right one day :rock: Here is to you this morning Noel :coffee2:
We need to exchange e-mail addresses 8-) I enjoyed one of many of your post's :rock:

OK Mike, I'm gonna throw this out. If you are going to make the trek to MMW now that it's in Indy, I'm gonna make it a plan to load up a couple things and go there also. What couple things??? How about Nella AND Sunfish!!! This sounds like our opprotunity to meet the legend in person, and maybe, just maybe, he can give his girl a ride in Sunfish, only not just in spirit this time!!! Let me know if you're planning to make this event, it would be a dream come true for your Michigan family to finally meet you in person!!! Geof
I have goose pumps just thinking about that Geof :colors: I will get back to you and Tony Fields on that =D>
:hello2::hello2: Nella O:) I will be making plans in the near future and I will do my Very Very best to be there and finely meet you and your cool family you have, Your Dad rocks :rock: and yall have made many of my days better just seeing and hearing from Geof and you. I am another day older and another day happier after seeing this reply :color: